1. Project Logism
2. Rock Paper Scissors
3. BYU-I Dos and Don'ts
4. Lagos Chamber Of Commerce Webpage
Project Logism
We started this project by creating an virtual microprocessor. It was a daunting task, but it ended succesfully and pased all avaliable
Rock Paper Scissors
I created a webpage that would enable users pass their time, by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. The game was a success and it was a great experience
BYU-I Dos and DOnt's
We needed to create a website that would display the dos and donts of the BYU-I. We used a database to store the dos and donts. We did NOT use a python script to create the website.
Chamber Of Commerce
The lagos district contacted Me through Jerry. They watnted a web page that would display live weather updates, news update and business opportunities. I developed this website using an Application Programming Interface provided by openweathermap.com This website took 2 week to be fully automated and functional. Wereach out to them monthly and ask where we can be of help. They were very happy with the website and they are looking forward to using it in the future.
Weather Forecast
Photo Gallery of Projects

Upcoming Events
April 11
Birthday Celebration
April 22
Speaker at Business Leaders Summit 2022
June 16
Speaker at Career fair BYU-I 2022